How many children participate in the contest?

Since 2010, more than 1000 children have participated in the Children Art’s contest.

How is the contest judged?

Six prominent local artists worked as jurors, providing critical review and assessment of the artwork, judging 4 criteria:

  • Creativity
  • Composition
  • Colours
  • Overall artistic expression

Who can participate in the contest?

The contest includes all children of San Miguel regardless of origin, ethnicity, gender or education.

How are the prizes awarded?

A cultural event awards presentation is showcased at Centro Cultural Ignacio Ramírez "El Nigromante", also known as Bellas Artes, to provide recognition to all the young participants and prize winners. 

This particular annual cultural event is created to bring children together, including children from very remote rural areas who often feel excluded.

How can I see the contest submission?

A children's art book featuring selected works is published each year as a tribute to the children’s talent and effort.

All proceeds from the sale of the children's art book go toward funding the art education of underprivileged children in San Miguel’s rural communities.


You can be a contributor or sponsor to this unique cultural tradition of nurturing tomorrow’s artists today!